Taking Inventory…

It's hard to believe that 2012 is almost coming to a close... So much happened this year, for pretty much everyone... in our countries, our towns, and especially in our personal lives. Facebook has a 'year in review.'  People start coming up with what they 'want to do better' (aka New Year's resolution) in the start [...]

Merry Christmas from Our Perfect (gush gush gush) Family!

Did you get our Christmas letter this year? No?  That's OK... we didn't send one.  However, we got a good chuckle from one or two who did.  You know, the ones that make you wonder if sometimes we need to gush to convince ourselves that this year really DID rock, and not just rocked, but rocked over and beyond [...]

Who Can Resist? The Latest Cuteness from Our Ranch…

  Please visit http://victoryranch.wordpress.com/2012/12/21/great-pyrenees-pups-almost-ready-for-adoption/ for the latest news on our pups...  I guarantee you, they are kissable!!

Forgiving a Monster… ?

Many Fridays, I have written a 'letter of forgiveness' to those I feel I need to forgive, here at Life Victorious.  It has been a powerful and healing practice for me, as well as some of our other authors and commenters. Last Friday, I was stunned and sickened. I was taking a little unintended "Advent break" [...]